Forum – Rotary Climate Action Team Rotary Climate Action Team Tue, 31 Jan 2023 01:39:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Forum – Rotary Climate Action Team 32 32 Steve Bender on Rotary’s People of Action Summits and the 4-7-8-17 Global Service Program Sun, 31 Jul 2022 19:37:57 +0000

The 7/28/22 session of the Rotary Climate Action Team (RCAT) Network’s Climate Conversations forum featured speaker Steve Bender, the Charter President of the Rotary Club of Newport Beach, who discussed the upcoming People of Action Summit on Water, and the 4-7-8-17 Global Service Program.


The People of Action Summits will provide an in-person and virtual opportunity for Rotary members to join forces with communities and industry experts to tackle some of the biggest challenges we face. It’s all about individuals identifying issues, solving problems, and making a difference. The summits will be hosted at different locations and will focus on Food Security (Boise, Idaho), Green Transportation and Clean energy (San Jose, CA), Agriculture (Colorado), Human trafficking (San Diego, CA), and Water from “Source to Sea” (Newport Beach, CA).


The Global Service 4-7-8-17 Program has the goal of “Embracing the Future While Respecting the Past”. All local and global service projects follow Rotary’s legendary 4 Way Test and fall under at least one of Rotary’s 7 Areas of Focus. Projects are created that embrace Rotary’s 8 Pillars of Positive Peace and that align with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This 4-7-8-17 Program is designed to partner with Rotary clubs locally and globally in a strategic vision for the future.


Steve Bender is the Charter President of the Rotary Club of Newport Beach, Co-Chair of the Global Climate Pledge, Founding Director of the U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Reefs Projects, Building Bridges through Rotary, Volunteer Tourism and too many other environmental and humanitarian organizations to list.   Steve chaired the Newport Beach Host Town committee during the 2015 Special Olympics in Los Angeles. Steve is also the past president of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Steve sits on many local and global boards.


Steve has influenced countless communities and individuals through an extensive lifetime of volunteerism. For his service, Steve and the groups he supports have been recognized by the California State Assembly, the City of Newport Beach, the Daily Pilot, and Rotary International.

Steve Bender on Rotary's People of Action Summits and the 4-7-8-17 Global Service Program

Breaking Down the 2022 IPCC Report with Dr. Karl Hausker Thu, 28 Jul 2022 23:52:09 +0000

The 5/26/22 session of the Rotary Climate Action Team (RCAT) Network’s Climate Conversations forum featured speaker Dr. Karl Hausker, Senior Climate Fellow of the World Resources Institute, who discussed the recent IPCC report.


Dr. Hausker has co-authored an article titled “6 Takeaways from the 2022 IPCC Climate Mitigation Report” and shared his valuable knowledge and perspective with us. As we know, with every fraction of a degree of global warming, climate change impacts will intensify. What can we and what should we be doing to address these risks? Dr. Hausker provided hope stemming from modern solutions and reputable global data.


Read the article here:


View the recording of the Zoom webinar below or via the following link:

Breaking Down the IPCC Report with Dr. Karl Hausker

RCAT Network and Global Climate Pledge Leaders Tue, 07 Jun 2022 06:53:43 +0000

In light of the recently released IPCC report, we know the necessity of addressing climate change is more urgent than ever. Climate action is needed in all sectors of society if we are to keep global warming to no more than +1.5 degrees (C) as advocated by the climate scientist community. To do their parts, an ever increasing number of Rotary Climate Action teams are initiating local climate projects around the world while more and more organizations and individuals are taking a stand on the climate crisis by signing the Global Climate Pledge.

For our first Climate Conversation, we heard from a few select RCAT Network and Global Climate Pledge leaders who are paving the way in addressing climate change in their communities and organizations: John Marshall, Michelle Thatcher, and Hadley Willman. We are hoping that learning about their experiences will motivate our viewers to select, organize, and execute their own actions that help us collectively solve the climate crisis.

Nathan Cogswell WRI on Cooperations Amongst Nations to Address Climate Crisis Fri, 18 Feb 2022 23:24:10 +0000 Cooperation between countries is central to addressing the climate crisis.  Despite concerns about the results from COP26 in Glasgow, it is critical that climate advocates understand how global cooperation has arrived at this point and how it will influence immediate future climate actions.

To understand the complexity of the issue, this Forum will provide an overview of the international climate collaboration process, starting with where previous international efforts have failed.  This will help explain why the current international approach (the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) is organized the way that it is.

The UNFCCC and the role of all countries and subgroups is key to recognizing the actions Rotarians must take in advocating with their local and national governments to assure realization of the 2030 and beyond emissions targets

Getting to Net Zero – Dr Hausker’s Presentation Deck January 20, 2022 Fri, 21 Jan 2022 19:17:52 +0000 Provided by Dr Hausker to RCAT/GCP Network participants.WRI_Hausker – Rotary CAT Jan2022 v2

Dr Karl Hausker: Getting to Net Zero Fri, 21 Jan 2022 19:03:26 +0000 Getting to Net Zero. A presentation by Dr Karl Hausker to the RCAT/GCP Network on January 20, 2022.

COP26 Panel Discussion December 16, 2021 Sat, 18 Dec 2021 00:49:30 +0000 RCAT Network’s Global Forum for December was a panel discussion of the results of COP26 with Karen Kendrick-Hands, ESRAG/Rotary Representative, and Rick Wayman, Representing the Foundation for Climate Restoration. The panel was moderated by Gary H. White, RCAT Network Leadership and Climate Reality Project Leader.

Climate Tipping Points Fri, 19 Nov 2021 16:58:38 +0000 Dr James Rising shares his research on the critical climate tipping points that have developed and threaten our natural world.

Climigration and Impact on American Cities Fri, 22 Oct 2021 21:10:59 +0000 This video has been removed at the request of Dr Keenan.  We suggest viewing his discussion of climate migration with other professionals in the YouTube video “Moving to Higher Ground”.

Plant-Rich Diet and the Climate Crisis Fri, 17 Sep 2021 19:41:38 +0000 What we choose to eat has an enormous impact on planetary health.  The IPCC’s recently-released report made clear that either we pull out ALL of the stops and drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions everywhere we can NOW (especially methane), or we accept responsibility for causing a climate catastrophe and bequeathing to our kids and grandkids a severely degraded planet, far less suitable for human habitation.  Dietary change is simple, fast, and effective. It doesn’t require political will, new technology, trillions of dollars of investment nor decades of implementation.  And it can dramatically shifts the detrimental level and kinds of impacts on our environment.

Watch the presentation by Andrea Wotan and Ambaree Majumder, co-chairs of the ESRAG Plant-Rich Diet Program.
