A new book by Rotarian Michael Koch (of Rotary Club Munich-Residenz and ESRAG – Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group Europe), “The 7 Steps to a Climate-Friendly and Sustainable Rotary Club”, provides the guidance to address climate change in our own lives and as a Rotary community.
This book inspires Rotarians and Rotaractors to start mitigating climate change as soon as possible. The well described seven steps make it very easy for Rotary and Rotaract clubs around the world to become climate-friendly and sustainable.
The clear presentation, the easy-to-understand approach and the more than 120 examples of Rotarians and Rotary clubs from all over the world encourage and inspire people to become active in their own club and beyond to make an effective contribution to climate protection. All profits from the sale of this book will be donated to Rotary projects that reduce carbon emissions. The price of the book reflects the ESRAG-proposed target year 2040 for achieving Rotary net zero.