Circular Economy – Emily Olson

This talk focuses on breakthrough business models for circular economy — specifically how the circular economy is built on the principle that the life cycles of materials and resources can be preserved, extended, and ultimately given back to the supply chain once their original intended purpose has been served. Click HERE to access the video

Energize San Mateo Project – May 20, 2021

Rick Raybin, RC San Mateo Our target is to build a sustainable economic environment by introducing clean energy with employment opportunities that support the community while addressing inequalities regarding access to sound climate practices.  The project has engaged well over a dozen governmental, educational, business and non-profit entities to build awareness and provide resources.  This…

EV Charging Stations Project – May 20, 2021

Alan Anderson and Rick Estenson, RC Northfield MN The Rotary Club of Northfield, Minnesota, started a Rotary Climate Action Team in 2017, after our club made climate action one of its top 5 priorities, in a new long range plan. Besides working to educate our club members, we also wanted to do a Rotary project that…

Lisa Altieri: Understanding Your Carbon Footprint

Lisa Altieri is founder and CEO of Climate Solutions Net and creator of the extremely successful carbon footprint assessment platform.  CSN’s web application makes it simple, easy and fun to learn about solutions and take actions including resources and progress tracking, and then connects users to work together and share ideas and resources. Lisa…