Advocating for National Climate Legislation
This presentation will engage the Rotary Climate Action Team Network and its members to advocate for national climate legislation.
Multiple proposals have been introduced in Congress that put a price on carbon pollution. But there are important issues that need to be resolved to secure buy-in from the American people. We will start by briefly sharing our own personal climate journey, leading to the hope and possibility of a national climate solution with broad public support.
Then we will consider the most outstanding issue regarding carbon pricing: the money. There are multiple policy options that some think require wonky policy details, but we like to focus on things ordinary people, progressives and conservatives alike, care about. During the conversation we will run polls to build group consensus and discuss how your members can communicate their preferences to Congress as climate advocates, as well as to their colleagues at work, friends, and family. Most importantly this discussion will supercharge your engagement with other Rotarians in group settings. It will be a positive and uplifting experience.
The Zoom link will be sent to you before July 15