Rotary Friends,
This is the September 2021 Climate Update. The Corner has been irregular for the past few months amidst all the climate news and RCAT activities. We will endeavor to be more regular with importance articles and news updates.
Climate in the News:
- New IPCC report is the most urgent ever on need for action now – Article
- First ever water shortage declared on the Colorado R, serving 40 million – Article
- To prevent catastrophic warming we all must help keep fossil fuels in the ground – Article
- What are the worst case scenarios from the IPCC? Not pretty – Article
- The Upcoming UN Climate Talks in Glasgow Are a Make-or-Break Moment – Article
Good Climate News:
- Utility scale batteries are advancing fast – Article
- You and your investment advisor can help mitigate climate change – Article
- UN has launched a Pledge for countries to stop building all coal plants – Article
How we can all help:
Right now, the US House and Senate are working on the infrastructure and another BIG bill. They are not perfect, but if we cannot get them passed, govt. efforts to slow climate change will essentially be on hold, at a time when we cannot be waiting. Please call your Rep and Senators and encourage them to take serious action on climate now! It is fast, simple, free – to make these calls.
As a friend of mine recently said, “One of the greatest dangers is thinking ‘someone else’ will take care of this. Whatever you do, don’t do nothing!”
Feel free to copy and use any of this info, forward to friends and family, etc.
Future generations are counting on us to get this right . . . SOON!
Thanks for all you ARE doing!
Alan Anderson, RCAT Network