RCAT Corner September 2021

Rotary Friends, This is the September 2021 Climate Update.  The Corner has been irregular for the past few months amidst all the climate news and RCAT activities.  We will endeavor to be more regular with importance articles and news updates. Climate in the News: New IPCC report is the most urgent ever on need for action…

RCAT Corner – June 2021

12 climate change documentaries and series that will give you an up-close look — and some solutions Sourced by Michael Svoboda, https://ideas.ted.com/ June 24, 2021 Overviews: An introduction to climate change and the challenges it poses to humanity Years of Living Dangerously, 2014, directed by Joel Bach (Currently available on Amazon, The Years Project, SlingTV,…

RCAT Corner – May 2021

Climate Friends, This is the May 2021 Climate Update. I hope this finds you doing well and enjoying Spring. Climate in the News: (see attachments below) 1. Economists want fast action on climate change, based on economics! 2. Southwestern US braces for water cutbacks to Ag & residents! 3. Extreme weather batters US agriculture Good Climate News: 1.…

RCAT Corner – March 2021

Climate Friends, This is the March 2021 Climate Update. I hope this finds you doing well. Climate in the News Big coal users plan to burn even more in 2021 – wrong direction! With much of the West already in drought, the forecast is not good for Spring As the planet warms, summers are getting longer, winters…

RCAT Corner – February 2021

Climate Friends, This is the February 2021 Climate Update. I hope you and yours are safe and doing well, as we try to get ahead of Covid. Climate in the News:  Experts and economists tell Biden we must have a carbon tax if we hope to maintain a liveable climate. 2020 sets a big new record of billion…

RCAT Corner – December 2020

Covid continues to rage, but we will always need energy.  Trump continues to rage, but the election is over, he is soon out, and a science based president will address climate change.  That fact is already being seen in lots of business statements regarding committing to a net zero emissions future. And that will impact investments.  Good to…

RCAT Corner – January 2021

This is the Jan. 2021 Climate Update. I hope it will truly be a Happy New Year for climate action!   Climate in the News: Here is a link to a great set of 5 short videos, about climate change and feedback loops. After you have watched the introduction, look at the bottom of the…