“We are the first generation to feel the effect
of climate change and the last generation
who can do something about it.”
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7 Focus Areas for 7th Area of Focus-Environment
It is a program in Borneo/Indonesia.
Goals: Rescue animals, protect forest, support the locals.

It is a program in Borneo/Indonesia.
Goals: Rescue animals, protect forest, support the locals.
Tree Planting
We planted 16 trees in a park. Our Rotarians enjoyed it so much we are making it an annual event.

Environmentally Friendly Beautification Project at the Palms Geriatric Home
On Sunday, October 10, 2021,the Rotary Club of Georgetown along with IICA planted 175 plants.

Agriculture 5.0
Digital irrigation demo presentation area. Please watch.
EV charger & Solar Installation at Costco
Rotarians, City of Novato, Vintage Oaks shopping center & Costco add 10 UEV charging stations

Stormwater Drain Medallion Installation
25 Rotarians joined forces with City of Novato to protect SF Bay from dumping & pollution

Plant trees at College of Marin Indian Valley
4 Rotary Clubs & the College of Marin's master gardener planted 57 Oak trees on campus.

Reversing Harmful Climate Change
Hosted educational tour & demonstration for over 100 students & science teachers from several Bay Ar

Plant trees at College of Marin Indian Valley
4 Rotary Clubs & the College of Marin's master gardener planted 57 Oak trees on campus.

Reversing Harmful Climate Change
Hands on carbon soil sequestration - student education and demonstration.

Protect remaining rainforest, animals like Orangutan, local community of Dajaks.

Rueda con Rotary
Rueda con Rotary(Ride with Rotary) promotes the use of bicycles as a means of everyday transport

Promotion of sustainable energy consumption for environment safeguarding
The project will reduce the number of people who use wood for cooking or other energy-related things

Keep It Cool Keep It Fresh Refrigeration Project
A cold storage refrigeration project to aid local farmers who practice regenerative agriculture.

Restoring the Ecosystem in Rivers state
The project will contribute to restoring the ecosystem through public education and Tree Planting.
Sustainable Botanical Garden - Ojodu Junior Grammar School
We embarked on sustainable Botanical Garden to protect the environment and for academic reasons

Repair Restore Reefs in Panama
Restore and repair reefs damaged by ocean acidification and heating

Energize San Mateo
Energize San Mateo is a coordinated effort to bring clean energy to the local community

CO2 EASY Sustainable Event Planning
NET ZER0 HEROES, 6 grade 11 students at Our Lady of The Snows Catholic Academy